Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

XL BEBAS Communication


Product Name : XL Bebas (Mobile Communication Provider)

The Jingle : “XL Sebening Nusantara”


Now a days, everybody realize how importance the communication. So many people are using mobile phone as their mobile communication. Weather for work or personal communication. It makes so many providers company have a lot of programs to make people aware to their product.


Xl Bebas is going to transfer their message that every level or position possible to use this product because they have the cheapest price of their rate compare than other provider with the at least same quality of signal, transfer voice, etc.
For example :
1. They have IDR 1 for single second.
2. Free SMS for every time you reload your card by using electronic
reload (min. Rp 100.000).
3. Reload starting from IDR 10.000
4. 3G (They are the first provider who has this fitur. It’s means in the technology they are advance then the other)

Media Advertisement

They are using almost all media for their advertisement like:
1. Billboard
2. Banner or sticker in Buss or other public transportation
3. Media electronic like TV, Internet, radio, etc.

They choose so many media for their advertisements because they have various market segmentation and they wish all targets will aware of both product and program.

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